30 Desember 2011

Produk ASM di GPMB 2011

Ardhika Sarana Musik menutup tahun 2011 dengan berpartisipasi di event marching band terakbar di Indonesia, Grand Prix Marching Band (GPMB). Selama dua hari penyelenggaraan (23 dan 24 Des 2011) produk ASM dapat disaksikan langsung insan marching band dari seluruh Indonesia yang hadir di acara GPMB.

Ardhika Sarana Musik closed the year 2011 by participating in the largest marching band event in Indonesia, The Grand Prix Marching Band (GPMB). During two days of the event (December 23rd and 24th) ASM products can be seen by visitors of the event that came from various regions of Indonesia.

Kehadiran ASM di event GPMB 2011 rupanya menarik banyak pihak terutama mereka yang belum melihat produk ASM secara langsung. Dengan seksama sebagian pengunjung memperhatikan detil produk ASM. Rasa penasaran sebagian mereka terjawab dengan melihat produk secara langsung. Kalau selama ini sebagian mereka mungkin hanya melihat katalog, foto-foto atau video di internet, atau bahkan hanya mendengar tentang ASM, maka di event GPMB ini mereka dapat melihat produk ASM sedetil-detilnya dan mencoba secara langsung. Yah, GPMB memberi kesempatan banyak pihak untuk membuktikan keunggulan produk ASM.

The presence of ASM products in the GPMB 2011 apparently attracted a lot of visitors, especially those who have not seen the ASM product directly. They paid careful attention to the detail of product. Their curiosity about ASM products was answered by looking at the products directly. Before this event, some of visitors  might have just looked at catalogs, photos or videos on the internet, or even just heard about the ASM products, then within this event they could see and try the products directly. Well, the GPMB event allowed many parties to prove the superiority of ASM products.

Untuk Ardhika Sarana Musik, perhelatan GPMB 2011 ini menjadi titik awal bagi langkah-langkah yang akan dilakukan pada masa mendatang. Dengan semangat untuk terus berinovasi dan turut andil dalam perkembangan marching band di Indonesia, Ardhika Sarana Musik siap menyambut tahun 2012 yang sebentar lagi tiba.  Bravo marching band Indonesia..!

To Ardhika Sarana Musik, the GPMB 2011 was a starting point for the steps to be taken in the future. With a passion to continue innovating and contributing to the development of the marching band in Indonesia,Ardhika Sarana Musik is ready to face the year 2012 which will soon arriveBravo Indonesia marching band ..!

04 Desember 2011

Kaltim Marching Festival 2011

In the end of this year we had the opportunity to witness the Kaltim Marching Festival (KMF) at the invitation of the organizing committee. This of course was a valuable opportunity to see how the course of the event and see the appearance of bands from East Kalimantan.

This annual event was a medium to show the skill and performance of bands from East Kalimantan in particular and from Kalimantan in general.  Event that held on 26 and 27 November 2011 and took place in Segiri stadium was not only attended by participants from East Kalimantan but also attended by participant from other province which was from South Kalimantan. There is a possibility that in the next event the participants may come from outside of Kalimantan.

Display contest, color guard contest, and drum battle were the kinds of show that performed in the event. All of them got remarkable attentions from the audience. But among the shows, the drum battle was the mainstay of the organizer and eagerly awaited by the audience. 

 We have some notes and impressions about what we witnessed and felt during the event. First, East Kalimantan is a region with huge potential for the development of a marching band. Its adequate human resources and natural wealth which is of course correlated with the welfare of its people were crucial factors. Second, the era of information and communication technology brings many advantages for them in updating and exchanging information of marching band outside Kalimantan. So what we saw in KMF (in terms of performance) was relatively not much different from what we always saw at the events in Java. Even the fact that we all know is that the marching band from Kalimantan colored and dominated events such as GPMB in Jakarta. Third, in East Kalimantan there was a group of people with high dedication in developing marching band. These people were able to work synergistically, effectively and efficiently to optimize and cultivate existing resources so that the KMF could be held almost without problems. Their unity and cohesiveness became the capital for the continuation of KMF event and for the preservation of idealism in organizing a marching band event.

Bravo Marching Band Indonesia!

25 Oktober 2011

Bandung Marching Band Championship II 2011

Bandung Marching Band Championship (BMBC) II 2011 has been successfully held on October 14 to 15, 2011 in Bandung, West Java. One of success parameters can be seen in the number of bands participated in the event. The participant bands not only came from Bandung and surroundings, but also from outside Java.

 This success was such a repetition of last year’s success of the organizing committee in holding the same event. This certainly brings optimism that the BMBC as one of GPMB series will be held again in the next year with a better quality of implementation. 

 (Results of event can be viewed at http://trendmarching.or.id/read/2011/10/hasil-bandung-marching-band-championship-ii-2011/ championship).


The presence of sponsors (read: marching band instrument suppliers) had a big impact in the quality of an event. As with other large events, sponsors involved in the BMBC II were PT Citra Intirama, Bahanna Distributors, and Wijaya Music. They were featuring their flagship products.

A different nuance appeared because of the presence of Ardhika Sarana Musik that carried the ASM marching percussion brand as one of the supporting sponsors. Related to this Ardhika Sarana Musik management gave high appreciation to the committee of BMBC that enabled this synergy occurred. Such synergy is expected to be able to continue in the future.

14 Oktober 2011

Sukabumi Marching Band Competition 2011

Sukabumi Marching Band Competition (SMBC), a marching band annual event to celebrate the anniversary of Sukabumi District was successfully held in Palabuhan Ratu, a beautiful town on the south coast of Java, on October 6, 2011. The one day event featured school marching bands derive from Sukabumi District and surrounding.  

The event was held on the collaboration of local government, Jeepsi Sukabumi 4x4 Community, STISIP Widyapuri Mandiri, Scout Movement, and Ardhika Sarana Musik (ASM). It was the first time for the event organizer to take the marching band supplier as a sponsor. And ASM was really grateful for being partner of the event. 

Other factor made this event more credible. That was the jury. All the juries came from Jakarta and among them was one with international certificate.

That day became a very bustling and festive day since the event was held outdoor. Crowd of enthusiastic spectators really enjoyed the moment especially when their favorite bands performed.

All pictures here tell you more..!

19 September 2011

Consolidation Meeting

Idul Fitri holidays became great opportunities for all personnel of Ardhika Sarana Musik to retreat for a while from the increasing routine activities. That was such a chance in a year for all personnel to be really freed from their everyday tasks in Ardhika Sarana Musik (ASM). 

Since the past five years the production capacity of ASM had increased significantly in line with the increasing order quantity. The increasing order quantity means the increasing trust from our customer to the product of ASM. We are so thankful for that. It also means that people (customers) finally will seek for qualified product. Quality is a word that drives ASM personnel in playing their roles. And we believe that quality is a factor that will keep the distinction of ASM from others. 

As mentioned above, Idul Fitri holidays were such time to retreat. Moreover, those holidays gave us time and space to conduct a consolidation meeting in a relax situation. 
Such situation needs to be exist so that all personnel could utter whatever inside their minds to the floor. It can be appreciation, motivation, future plan, critics, or even complain! All were at the same point and direction… that is to make real the dream of ASM. The higher the dream we have the higher achievement we will get. 

In fact, the consolidation meeting was mostly attended by production personnel. It was on purpose since we believe ASM goal and dream should start from internal task forces.  

 And the pictures here depict the consolidation meeting situation and the ASM production personnel. 



09 Juli 2011

FOMB Bogor dan Langgam Bali

Awal Juni dan Juli 2011 lalu ada 2 event yang relatif besar di dua tempat berbeda, yaitu FOMB di Bogor dan Langgam Indonesia di Denpasar, Bali. Kedua event diikuti oleh unit-unit cukup terkemuka yang telah mempersiapkan diri untuk tampil maksimal di kedua event tersebut. Berikut adalah foto-foto terkait kedua event tersebut.
 Suasana Stand ASM

Salah satu penampilan peserta FOMB 2011

Instrumen yang disediakan selama even berlangsung

Salah satu unit siap perform

GOR Lila Bhuana, tempat penyelenggaraan Langgam Indonesia 2011

Snare Drum 10", 12", dan 13" ASM Ultimate Series

Salah satu penampilan peserta Langgam 2011

Produk baru Snare Drum 10 inch Ultimate Series menarik perhatian pengunjung

 Pengunjung mengamati detail produk ASM

ASM dan para punggawa marching band Indonesia

Sisi menarik lain setiap event...

17 Mei 2011

Latihan Bersama 2011

Setelah cukup lama tidak diadakan, akhirnya pada tahun 2011 ini Latihan Bersama  (Latber) kembali diadakan oleh Garuda Indonesia Flight Drum and Buggle Corp.
 Event yang bernama Latihan Bersama 2011 ini diselenggarakan di Garuda City Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Cengkareng, Banten pada tanggal 14 dan 15 Mei 2011.
 Tampak jelas bahwa event Latber ini merupakan event yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh insan marching band Indonesia. Hal ini terbukti dari jumlah peserta yang hadir serta kedatangan relatif banyak peserta dari luar Jawa.
Tentu saja sangat diharapkan bahwa penyelenggaraan event ini akan berlangsung setiap tahun.

Pada hari kedua para juara kontes colour guard Latber 2011 menampilkan kebolehan mereka di depan para petinggi Garuda Indonesia dan para pendukung/sponsor Latber 2011. Sebagai acara puncak,seluruh peserta Latber yang terbagi dalam divisi perkusi, pit, dan brass bersama-sama memainkan satu aransemen hasil latihan selama 2 hari ini.

Keberhasilan penyelenggaran Latber 2011 tentu tidak terlepas dari para pihak yang menjadi sponsor acara.
Secara bersama-sama para sponsor tersebut digandeng untuk turut berkontribusi dalam rangka memajukan dunia marching band Indonesia.

Kita tunggu event Latber berikutnya..!

28 Februari 2011

Dokumentasi Drum Battle IOMBC 2011

Event IOMBC 2011 telah berlalu. Hasil dari event tahunan yang dulu bernama DMC itu pun sudah diketahui bersama.

Terkait dengan event tersebut kami ingin memperlihatkan beberapa peristiwa yang kami dokumentasikan selama event berlangsung.

Berikut adalah sebagian foto yang memperlihatkan performa unit pengguna produk ASM di lomba Drum Battle IOMBC 2011.

Snare Drum ASM untuk The Next Battle Kudus

Deretan perkusi ASM saat rehearsal yang digunakan
"Band Jholand" MB Simbals Alhasanah Tangerang

Sparring partner "Band Jholand" Al Hasanah Tangerang

Dokumentasi di atas merupakan pembuktian terhadap kualitas perkusi ASM. Sekarang saatnya bagi Anda yang ingin memiliki unit marching band dengan instrument yang mempuni untuk segera menghubungi Ardhika Sarana Musik.

Oya, Anda bisa hubungi Ardhika Sarana Musik di 021-70546361 atau sampaikan pesan via e-mail: ardhika_mb@yahoo.co.id.