Idul Fitri holidays became great opportunities for all personnel of Ardhika Sarana Musik to retreat for a while from the increasing routine activities. That was such a chance in a year for all personnel to be really freed from their everyday tasks in Ardhika Sarana Musik (ASM).

Since the past five years the production capacity of ASM had increased significantly in line with the increasing order quantity. The increasing order quantity means the increasing trust from our customer to the product of ASM. We are so thankful for that. It also means that people (customers) finally will seek for qualified product. Quality is a word that drives ASM personnel in playing their roles. And we believe that quality is a factor that will keep the distinction of ASM from others.
As mentioned above, Idul Fitri holidays were such time to retreat. Moreover, those holidays gave us time and space to conduct a consolidation meeting in a relax situation.

Such situation needs to be exist so that all personnel could utter whatever inside their minds to the floor. It can be appreciation, motivation, future plan, critics, or even complain! All were at the same point and direction… that is to make real the dream of ASM. The higher the dream we have the higher achievement we will get.
In fact, the consolidation meeting was mostly attended by production personnel. It was on purpose since we believe ASM goal and dream should start from internal task forces.

And the pictures here depict the consolidation meeting situation and the ASM production personnel.